Thursday, July 12, 2007

Around the Majors

A few statements with long digressions:

While most sports writers keep saying that the Yankees still have a shot at the wild card (this is insane for a number of reasons, the most obvious being that they are 8.5 games out and behind five other teams, two of which are the Twins and the A's who, you know, NEVER make runs in the second half -- and let's not even mention that ridiculous "the Yankees have 28 games against sub-.500 teams" as they were 17-17 against .500 teams up until now), they all seem to come around to four teams making the post-season in the AL: Angels, Tigers, Indians, Red Sox.

It's disconcerting to hear the Indians in that mix. Clearly, I'm from Ohio, or else such things would fill me with joy instead of dread.

As I'm sure everyone knows by now, we locked Pronk in for the remainder of his productive years, at very least. The hope, obviously, is that the contract issue was one which was taking away from his performance. It's not that he's been having a bad year, just an un-Pronk like one.

Another forgone conclusion that most sports writers are making these days is that A-rod will go to the Angels next year. I actually like this move even if I do think A-rod is a putz. One opinion piece I heard on the radio mentioned that A-rod's choice of destination will either show that he's all about money or that he's all about winning and I think it's clear to pretty much everyone that the West is not only an easier division to win, but the Angels have crazy, crazy depth.

I like the Angels (great team, great stadium), so it would be interesting to see a guy I have little respect for move to an organization I have a lot of respect for.

Also, the word on the 'net is that the Tribe are putting feelers out there for Eric Gange and Brad Lidge. I mentioned Lidge way, way, way back when. I just don't know what we could part with. Suddenly it seems that we don't really have the rotation depth we used to have, as Sowers is struggling in Buffalo and Miller's rehab starts aren't going well.

Anyway, I enjoyed the break. I hope to enjoy the rest of the season, too.

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