Sunday, July 1, 2007


So the Tribe has three players going to the All Star game, although in the spirit of objectivity, it's probably safe to say that only two of them have performed at the level needed to go.

I mean, let's face fact, even though he's picking it up recently, Grady really shouldn't have gotten the vote over, say Curtis Granderson. But I'll except it, particularly since it was the player vote that got him in, not the fan vote.

The fact that Victor isn't starting just shows how ridiculous letting the fans vote is.

None of the Indians are on that team because of the fans, not a shocker given a) most fans are stupid, b) people vote for names they know, and c) judging by attendance numbers, the Tribe only had about 30,000 people who would vote for them.

Dan Haren should get the start. Yes, it's great that C.C. has 12 wins, but wins are an overrated number and have just as much -- if not more -- do due with the rest of the team. ERA is the real stat.

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